It’s been a difficult year for Al. Her professional life had seen its share of ups and downs, while her love life has experienced heartbreaks.
About Author
Alexandra Reisen
She always hoped to find love and finally did. She spends her time with her husband of 30 years and their dogs. She enjoys hiking, traveling, baking, and hanging out with her husband and friends.
About Book
Five Nights of ThanksGiving
It’s been a difficult year for Al. Her professional life had seen its share of ups and downs, while her love life has experienced heartbreaks. She hadn’t felt this hopeless in years. However, when she meets Mike, who is nothing short of Prince Charming one day, she sees a glimmer of hope that she hadn’t in ages.
I struggled to put down the book! It was a refreshing read. I could relate with Al, a lot, and was rooting for her throughout. Alexandra Reisen is a superstar!
Martha Perkins
What a wonderful read! I couldn’t help but feel emotional at times, as the book took me on a journey. To see Al’s character grow was a delight. It’s fascinating how some books are just there to take your heart away. “5 Nights of Thanksgiving” is a book you’re not supposed to miss!
John Toledo
When I picked this book, I didn’t know I would be taken on such a heartfelt journey. Every little scene, it appears, was written right from the heart. I absolutely loved how Al and Mike’s relationship blossomed; it was all natural. I really hope this “5 Nights of Thanksgiving” gets the love it deserves!
Vivian Pattinson